
Hiking trails of Helsinki Region: Sorlampi trail, 5 km Circle Trail in Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

The Sorlammi nature trail is a five-kilometer route in Nuuksio. The route varies with lakes, rocks, bogs, forests, and stream valleys. You can find a map and tips for this route at the end of this page.

This is a story about a sunny evening at the end of April. I started my two-hour tour of the Sorlammi nature trail around half past six in the evening.
I started my journey from the Brobacka outdoor center, where you can park your car. From there, I walked about half a kilometer east from the middle of a residential area, and to the left, there are paths leading to the Sorlammi nature trail.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

The paths are also in good condition when coming from Brobacka.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

As usual in Nuuksio, there are magnificent rocky hills and views everywhere. I tried to restrain myself from climbing on every one of them.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

First, I came across Laihalampi. Here, the southern edge of the lake is a swamp area.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Signs help occasionally, but in some places, paths lead in different directions. If you do not know the Sorlammi route in advance, it is worth checking that you are heading in the right direction at the lakes.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

One of the most idyllic resting places along the route is on the eastern shore of Laihalampi.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

If I had gone straight on the Laihalampi circuit, I would have soon returned to the Brobacka side. So, the nature trail is better.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

If you had crossed that bridge, you would have reached the parking areas at Hästhagabacken.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

There are boardwalks along the route in the wettest areas. However, during spring and autumn rains, it is worth preparing with either boots or hiking shoes because it can be damp.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Next, we reach the shore of Pikku Sorlammi.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Here, like throughout the Nuuksio area, there are stones scattered about as if they have been thrown together.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Then, we may arrive at perhaps the most magnificent section of the route, Sorvalampi's shore. There are also giant's kettles nearby, but I did not go to photograph them on this trip.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

At Sorvalampi, a little distance from the shore, there is a trail that leads to the Pirttimäki outdoor area.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

The shoreline cliffs offer great views.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

There is also a grill shelter on the northeast shore of Sorlammi, sheltered in a hollow.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Next, the road leads south and up to the cliffs.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

One of the most well-known sights in Nuuksio is located some distance south of Sorlammi. There is an intersection in the hollow, and from there, you can climb uphill towards Hiidenpesä.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Here is one entrance to Hiidenpesä. It can accommodate nearly ten children inside at the same time, and shorter people can stand upright in the cave. I did not dare to squeeze inside.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

The trip continues. Now, we approach the southeast corner of the Sorlammi nature trail.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

On the left is the Hackjärvsmossen bog area. The nature trail runs along the edge of the bog at the foot of the slope.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Next, we head up the hills.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

One more time up the hills. At this point, the day had already turned into evening.

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Sorlammen luontopolku, Nuuksio

Next, the nature trail returns to the familiar intersection, which is the shore of Laihalampi. This picture made it into this package for the second time.

Tips for hiking the Sorlampi nature trail

Sorlammen luontopolut kartta

  • The length of the nature trail is five kilometers, and an adult can walk it in just under two hours. Unless you get excited about taking pictures or grilling.
  • The trail is generally easy to walk, but you need to watch out for roots and stay on the boardwalks. The trail is not suitable for wheelchairs or strollers. During spring and fall rains, the trail can be occasionally wet.
  • You can get to the vicinity by car either to the Nuuksio outdoor lodge (blue area in the lower left corner of the map) or to Hästhagabacken in the middle of the map at the top.
  • Bus stops are located at Brobacka and behind the bend at approximately number 23 on the map. You can get to Nuuksio from Espoo Centre by bus line 245 and to Brobacka by bus line 244.
  • The grill shelter is located in the upper right corner of the trail, on the eastern shore of Sorlampi.

Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025