
Palolampi outdoor area, Espoo

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

Palolampi is a very beautiful, small, rocky wilderness lake in Kauklahti, Espoo. The pond is surrounded by a short fitness track.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

On the south-eastern shore of Palolampi are some nice cliffs.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

The scenery is unobstructed, being in the middle of a forest. But it's nice to sit in them.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

I'm familiar with the area. I went to junior high and high school in Kauklahti. Which means that in the 1980s and 90s, some of the gymnastic lessons were held in these landscapes. Navigation has never been an easy tick for me, once a friend and I listened to the sound of a train and decided where we were. Back then, by the way, the Palolammen area was much more wilderness.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

The fitness track is short, 1.3 kilometres long. The trail practically goes around Palolampi and a small swamp, in winter there are trails.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

The trail circles pretty close to the nearest apartment houses. But at this point, we deviated a few tens of metres from the track towards the apartment blocks on Erik Bassentie. This is where some of my classmates used to live.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

The fitness track goes around the small Sakansuo swamp.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

To the north, the Näkinmetsä housing estate has been built right next to the track. At one time, this was mostly wilderness. And once upon a time refers to my own youth, not centuries ago.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

If you have an emergency, you know who to call.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

There are also exercise facilities at the fire pond.

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

Palolampi ja Kauklahden kuntorata

The cliffs on the other side of the pond

Kauklahden kuntorata

Here is Espoo's map of the area.

Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025