
The Beaches of Espoo: Ruuhijärvi's western side

Nuuksio is amazing, but it can sometimes be difficult to find a spot where you can swim easily. One great place is on the southern shore of Ruuhijärvi. You can swim in the clear lake from this spot popular with scouts.

The shore is rocky and deepens quickly. The best spot I've found is in the depression ahead, where it's about one meter deep for a couple of meters until the lake deepens further. On the other side of the lake is a small natural sandy beach, for which I don't have good photos (yet).

There are a few cottages on the shore of the lake, otherwise Ruuhijärvi is part of the national park. This spot is especially suitable for hikers, as there is no place to park a car nearby.

Scouts and other wanderers seem to spend time here by the campfires.


Rental Cottage Near Ruuhijärvi in Nuuksio!

An idyllic rental cottage in Espoo's Nuuksio. Suitable for winter use, with a heat-storing fireplace, air heat pump, and a stream flowing along the edge of the one-hectare plot. Behind the stream is the national park. A traditional Finnish log cabin far from neighbors - in Espoo.

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Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025