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The Beaches of Hanko
Hanko is a seaside town in southern Finland with a number of stunning beaches. Here you will find a presentation of all of them.
The Beaches of Hanko: Lappohja
Hangonniemi has many amazing beaches. One of them is Lappohjanranta located in Lappohja. This natural beach is probably a kilometer long.
The Beaches of Hanko: Bellevue
Bellevue Beach is a long and idyllic beach in Hanko. The beach is shallow and peaceful.
The Beaches of Hanko: Casino
Casinon ranta (Casino Beach) is located in Hanko, right next to the town center. The beach is small with a historical atmosphere.
The Beaches of Hanko: Regattanranta
Regattanranta Beach is located right in the center of Hanko, just like almost all other beaches in Hanko. The beach has a Mediterranean atmosphere.
The Beaches of Hanko: Silversand
The beautiful beach of Silversand is located on the northern shore of Hangonniemi. Silversand is also known as Hopealahti. It was a hot day.
The Beaches of Hanko: Märsan
Märsan Beach is located on the north side of Hangonniemi. The water here deepens faster than at other beaches in Hanko, which is why Märsan has the only diving tower among Hanko's beaches.
The Beaches of Hanko: Slaktis
Slaktis Beach, also known as the northern beach of Tulliniemi, is a popular beach located near the tip of Hangonniemi. Though popular, it was quiet when I visited.
The Beaches of Hanko: Hangonkyla
Hangonkylä's small and charming beach is located on the northern shore of Hangonniemi. Compared to Hanko's large and famous beaches, Hangonniemi is a cozy village beach.
The Beaches of Hanko: Plagen
Plagen Beach in Hanko is especially popular with families. And why wouldn't it be? There is a water carousel visible in the background and seemingly also rafts to climb on. Additionally, the beach is shallow and open to the south, so the water warms up surprisingly much on sunny days. With its central location, who wouldn't like this beach?
The Beaches of Hanko: Vedagrundet
Vedagrundet Beach in Hanko is truly stunning. This natural beach features impressive dunes, reminiscent of Kalajoki’s sandy shores.
The Beaches of Hanko: Dagmar springs swimming place
Dagmar's Spring swimming area is considered an unofficial swimming spot in Hanko. It is located next to a spring with ties to the Russian royal family. Even the royals have swum here!