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The Beaches of Kirkkonummi
Here you will soon find photos and information about all the beaches in Kirkkonummi. There are beaches on both the sea and lakes.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Väransby outdoor areas beach
The Väransby recreational area is owned by the city of Espoo, located in Kirkkonummi. It also features a small beach.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Sundet
Sundetin small beach is located in Kirkkonummi, Sundsberget. This charming little beach is right next to residential areas but feels like it's far away from everything.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Långvik
Långvik beach is located in a bay in southern Kirkkonummi. It is a small and charming beach.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Tampaja
Tampaja beach is located by the lake Tampaja in Northern Kirkkonummi.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Syväjärvi
Syväjärvi beach is located just a couple of kilometers south of Kirkkonummi's center and is considered to be the most popular beach in Kirkkonummi. Although Syväjärvi is a small lake, as its name suggests, it is also deep.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Svartvik
Svartvik beach is located in the middle of Kirkkonummi, in the western bay of Vitträsk.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Storträsk
Storträsk beach is located pretty much in the middle of Kirkkonummi, in Evitskog. The gradually sloping, sandy bottom beach is well-suited for families with young children. The water is clean but murky.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Luoma
Luoma beach is located on the shores of Lake Vitträsk in Kirkkonummi. This small beach is perfect for a peaceful afternoon visit.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Lamminjärvi
Lamminjärvi beach is located in the middle of a residential area in Veikkola, Kirkkonummi. On a warm summer day, the beach is popular. There's plenty of space here.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Kylmälä
The small Kylmälä beach is located behind the school of the same name, in northern Kirkkonummi. This idyllic sandy beach is worth a visit. This beach is also known as Sjökulla beach.
The Beaches of Kirkkonummi: Finnträsk
Finnträsk beach is located on the northern shore of the lake of the same name. The district is, I believe, Sarfvik. From an Espoo perspective, the beach is very close, with perhaps two and a half kilometers to the bridge marking the Espoo-Kirkkonummi border.