
The Beaches of Inkoo: Björnviken

Björnviken beach, Inkoo

The well-equipped Björnviken beach is located in a remote area on the shore of Lake Marsjö.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

The beach is well-equipped. The changing booth and grill shelter have been recently renovated, and there is a wheelchair ramp to the lake. It is also suitable for children's play.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

The grill shelter is right next to the beach, though in the shade of the forest.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

Björnviken beach, Inkoo.

The parking lot has plenty of space. The beach is and isn't in a remote location. There are no houses nearby, but it is only about three kilometers from the center of Inkoo and a kilometer from highway 51.

Information about Björnviken beach

  • Address: Björnvikintie 162, Inkoo.
  • Services: Changing booths, outhouse (I didn't notice where it was, but it exists), wheelchair ramp, pier, grill shelter.
  • Tips for swimmers: The beach faces south, so it gets plenty of sunlight. Initially shallow, with a grill shelter, making it ideal for families with children.

Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025