
Viewpoints in Espoo: Hyppykallio in Nuuksio

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio

Hyppykallio is a high cliff and viewpoint in Nuuksio, right along Nuuksiontie. In english the name would be "Jumphill". The views also open up to Nuuksion Pitkäjärvi. You can also reach a spot half a kilometer away by bus.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio

On top of the high hill is an almost vertical cliff. I do not recommend this place for hiking if you have small children or those who do not follow instructions well. In a few spots, behind the rounded cliff top, there is a more than ten-meter vertical drop, so you need to be careful here. Also, in winter and icy conditions, caution is advised.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio

You can also see far to the east.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

At Hyppykallio, you can find the "remains" of an air surveillance tower, different iron parts where the tower was attached. So, there was a similar air surveillance tower here as in Kiltakallio in Espoo center.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

There is also a triangulation tower mark. Triangulation towers were used for mapping, and there were about four thousand in Finland. Many air surveillance towers later served as modified air surveillance towers. I don't know if this was the case at Hyppykallio.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

You can climb Hyppykallio along grooves made by ice.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

But it's quite a job.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

The summit is in sight.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

This is a picture from below, in the middle of the forest. The rocks south of Hyppykallio are washed by the waves of the Ancylus Lake. According to Wikipedia: "Ancylus Lake was a lake phase that preceded the current Baltic Sea in the Baltic basin around 8900–7200 BCE." So, in this area, high on the Nuuksio lake plateau, there was a seashore, and Hyppykallio was an island in the sea.

Hyppykallio, Nuuksio.

There are paths running here and there near Hyppykallio.

Ancylusjärvi oli nykyistä Itämerta edeltänyt järvivaihe Itämeren altaassa noin 8 900–7 200 eaa.

Here is another view from Nuuksiontie. These pictures are from December, and this was the first picture I took. It was already getting dark on the ground, but the sun was still shining on the cliffs above.

How to find Hyppykallio?

  • Hyppykallio is on the east side of Nuuksiontie. Opposite the road are approximately Nuuksiontie 46 and 48. There are no parking spaces nearby.
  • You can get about half a kilometer away by bus. The stops for line 245 at Solvik are probably the closest.
  • There are paths leading towards Hyppykallio from Nuuksiontie. Essentially, keep going up. Once you reach the top of the hill, you will notice that the real cliffs are just beginning.

Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025