
The Beaches of Espoo

There are over 30 public beaches in the city of Espoo. Here are pictures and other information about all of them. So if're wondering where can you go to swim in Helsinki Region, here you can find some hints.

In the seashore (on continent) | HanikkaHyljelahtiKallvik | KarhusaariKivenlahtiKlobben | MatinlahtiMellsten (Haukilahti) | SuvisaaristoToppelundTyrskyvuori | Villa FrosterusWestend

By the lakes | JupperinrantaKattilajärviLaaksolahti | LippajärviLuukki | Northern KaitalampiNorthern Myllyjärvi | MyllyjärviOdilampi | OittaaRuisjärviSaarijärvi | SiikajärviSorvalampi | Southern KaitalampiVelskolaVilniemi

In islands in the sea | DiksandGåsgrund | Iso VasikkasaariRövarenStora Herrö | Varsasaari

Unofficial swimming places | Amfi of KivenlahtiHannusjärviKolmperä | Nuottalahti | NuottaniemiRuuhijärvis eastern sideRuuhijärvis western side"Surfing" beach in Jupperi

The Beaches of Espoo: The Southern Beach of Kaitalampi

In the northern parts of Espoo you can find Kaitalampi. In english Kaitalampi means narrow pond. Located in nature reserve Kaitalampi is very quiet and calm place to hang visit.

There are two beaches in Kaitalampi. Actually they aren't "beaches", but more like "places that you can go to swim." Lake is deep and if I remember correctly the correct word in english is crag. 

The Beaches of Espoo: Hanikka

Hanikka Beach is located by the sea Soukka, in southern Espoo, Finland. The beach is also known as Suinonsalmi beach. Suinonsalmi is an inlet that runs between the isle Suvisaaristo ("Summer Islands") and the mainland Suinonsalmi.


Rent a cabin

Idyllic cottage for rent in Noux, Espoo. Located in the middle of Nuuksio National Park.

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E.g., 01.2025